Streamlining Training on Fish Farming at Sokoine University of Agriculture

2019 training on fish farming 1

Hardly a week had elapsed after concluding offering a short course on production of catfish fingering in Dodoma, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) swiftly embarked on conducting a subsequent four-day training on tilapia fish farming. This latest training was conducted at the Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), SUA, Morogoro from 7th to 10th October 2019. The course attracted about 30 self-sponsored participants (including five females) coming from Mwanza, Tabora, Dar es Salaam, Iringa, Tanga, Pwani, and Morogoro.

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Photo 1: Participants of short course on fish farming posing for a group photo with anchor trainer and Head of DAARS Prof. Sebastian Chenyambuga (5th from right). Photo by SUAMEDIA

This training on fish farming was offered jointly by the Department of Animal, Aquaculture and Range Sciences and the ICE who have collaborated in conducting four courses in a row, for the year 2019 only. The collaboration of the two units and the coordination role performed by the ICE are creating a pattern for streamlining the undertaking of short courses at SUA consistent to institutional instruments including SUA Outreach Policy, Implementation Strategic Plan for Outreach Policy, and Guidelines for Conducting Outreach Activities at SUA.

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Photo 2: Participants of short course on fish farming vising fish ponds demonstrations at Magadu farm, SUA during a practical session

Expected course outcomes

The course intended to impart participants with knowledge and skills on:
• The concept of fish farming and fish farming best practices in Tanzania
• Different types of fish ponds
• How to fertilize fish pond
• How to transport and transfer fingerlings from the producer to the fish pond
• The concept of fish nutrition, how to prepare feed, how to feed the fish and proper feed storage
• The concept of intergraded fish farming and be able to integrate fish farming, crop production and livestock keeping
• The concept of fish harvesting and be able to harvest fish from the pond.
• The concept of record keeping and be able to keep records related to fish farming

Opening and closing ceremonies

The official closing ceremony was preceded by Dr. Ibrahimu Mjemah, the Director of Planning and Development, SUA whereas the official opening ceremony was done by Dr. Innocent H. Babili on behalf of the Director, ICE Prof. Dismas Mwaseba. During closing ceremony, the guest of honour Dr. Mjemah commended the participants for attending the course and encouraged them to become trainers of their fellow farmers who missed this training opportunity. Dr. Mjemah continued his closing remarks by thanking facilitators and coordinators for running the course successfully. The guest of honour officially closed the event by awarding certificates of participation to trainees. He elaborated that SUA offers short course certificates to participants as appreciation for their readiness and as testimony for attending the course.

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Photo 3: The guest of honour, Dr. Mjemah (Center) along with Prof. Mwaseba presenting a certificate of participation to trainee of the short course on fish farming during official closing ceremony held at ICE

Facilitation and Coordination

The training team included Prof. S. Chenyambuga, Dr. R. Mnubi, Dr. B. Mnembuka, Dr. H. Lamtane, Dr. A. Mwandya, Mr. A. Tegemea all from DAARS. Coordination of the training was done by staff from ICE in collaboration with those from DAARS.

Media coverage of the training

The course was advertised on SUA website and covered by SUAMEDIA.


The Institute of Continuing Education, Department of Animal, Aquaculture and Range Sciences and SUA at large wish to thank participants of the course for using opportunities available at the University, financing over 90% of training cost including transport, accommodation, meals and incidentals whereas SUA subsidized the training fee. Thanks also go to facilitators and organizing team from DAARS and ICE.

For more information about this short course, please send your email to Dr. Innocent Babili at