Category: Latest News

Photo 1 Feedback meeting at Haraa village Babati District Tanzania Near Bereku Forest Reserve

Sharing Excitement and Challenges of Research Feedback on Decentralized Forest Management in Babati District, Tanzania

Communicating research findings to communities and other stakeholders where research has been successfully completed is a vital an outreach activity. Towards the end of October 2019, feedback activities on research work titled “A novel theory for clarifying successes of decentralized forest management (DFM): Institutional dynamics and performance in Babati District, Tanzania” were undertaken in four […]

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Fish Training 2019 intro

Communicating SUA Successes in Conducting Short Course on Fish Farming

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has successfully conducted a short course on fish farming to agricultural entrepreneurs. The training, which involved 33 self-sponsored participants including six females, was conducted from 6th to 9th May 2019 at SUA. Twelve (12) participants came from Morogoro; Nine (9) participants from Dar es Salaam and three (3) participants from […]

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Chuo Kikuu cha Sokoine cha Kilimo (SUA) kupitia Taasisi ya Elimu ya Kujiendeleza (ICE) na Idara ya Sayansi za wanyama, ufugaji wa viumbe majini na nyanda zamalisho kimeandaa mafunzo ya ufugaji wa samaki yatakayofanyika mwezi wa tano, 2019. Tarehe ya mafunzo : 06/05/2019 hadi tarehe 09/05/2019 kuanzia saa mbili asubuhi hadi alasiri. Mahali: Ukumbi wa […]

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SHORT COURSE ON HORTICULTURAL PLANT PROPAGATION INFORMATION BRIEF Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) will offer a short course on horticulture because of its huge potential for wealth and job creation across many areas in Tanzania. Horticultural business has therefore the potential of positive impact on the socio economic wellbeing of millions of farm families and […]

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maasai children near grazing livestock around in Ngorongoro Conservation Area Tanzania

Exciting interaction between local communities, livestock and wildlife in Ngorongoro conservation area in Tanzania

Who said human beings are not animals? From classification biology of living things, we learn that human beings belong to animal kingdom. Please wait! This article is not about biology; rather it is about exciting and innovative interaction between human beings, livestock and wildlife in Ngorongoro conservation area (NCA). The interaction goes beyond conventional thinking […]

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Highlighting the Training for Fish Farming entrepreneurs at Sokoine University of Agriculture

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has successfully conducted a short course for fish farming entrepreneurs drawn. The training was conducted from 2nd to 5th May, 2018 and involved 30 participants including five female. Participants from Morogoro were 22 while participants from Mwanza were three. Kigoma, Dodoma, Mara, Arusha and Kilimanjaro each had one participant. The training […]

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SUA yampongeza mwandishi wa habari wa SUAMEDIA kwa kupata tuzo

Chuo Kikuu cha Sokoine cha Kilimo SUA kupitia Taasisi ya Elimu ya Kujiendeleza ICE kimepongeza mwandishi wa habari wa SUAMEDIA Bw. Calvin Edward Gwabara kwa kuibuka kidedea katika Tuzo ya Mwandishi bora wa habari za Kilimo na Uchumi Kilimo kwa upande wa Radio, tuzo zilizoandaliwa na Baraza la Habari Tanzania MCT 2017.

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Mwandishi wa SUAMEDIA Calvin Gwabara aibuka mshindi wa Tuzo ya Mwandishi bora wa habari za Kilimo na Uchumi Kilimo

Mwandishi wa SUAMEDIA Calvin Edward Gwabara ameibuka mshindi wa Tuzo ya Mwandishi bora wa habari za Kilimo na Uchumi Kilimo kwa upande wa Radio katika tuzo zilizoandaliwa na Baraza la Habari Tanzania MCT 2017. Mwandishi huyo Mwandamizi katika habari za Kilimo amepata Tuzo, Cheti na Zawadi ya fedha, kama mshindi wa Kwanza katika kipengele hicho. Katika […]

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